Our experience and know-how allows us to provide rapid technical support and a 360-degree service, from the analysis and study of processes, to the design and commissioning of plants.

Our offer includes:

  • Feasibility studies and investment analysis for the construction of new plants;
  • Design of filtration, desalination (membrane or resin), softening and wastewater treatment systems;
  • Design of adaptation and optimisation interventions of existing plants;
  • Technical inspections with assessments of plant engineering problems and improvement proposals;
  • Direction of assembly works;
  • Elaboration of maintenance plans;
  • Start-up and management of plants and periodic analytical checks.

The choice of components and design criteria ensure that all the systems we build, in their ease of use, meet the needs of reliability, durability and safety.
All the components that make up our plants are non-toxic and comply with the hygienic-sanitary standards for water treatment, in particular with Ministerial Decree 174/04 relating to suitable materials for the transport of drinking water.



The filtration processes allow to remove suspended solids and metals from water, to adsorb organic and surfactant components and eliminate chlorine and other substances that are unpleasant to smell and taste. Through filtration systems, possibly combined with specific chemical conditioning processes, we can ensure the best water quality based on the requirements.
We design and manufacture pressure filters for the treatment of primary, process and discharge waters, including:

  1. Sand filtration systems – suitable for the removal of organic and inorganic solids.
    The process consists in the passage of water through a filter bed consisting of layers of quartzite. The material removed from the water remains trapped in the filter bed; this generates a progressive clogging of the filter which is periodically and automatically washed in countercurrent, thanks to the system control unit and the hydropneumatic valves.
  2. Activated carbon filtration systems – suitable for the removal of chlorine, unpleasant smells and tastes and pollutants (chlorinated solvents, pesticides, organic micropollutants and detergents).
    These systems employs the same technology of the sand filtration systems, but they differ in the composition of the filtering bed.
    Activated carbon is a material with high porosity and very high active surface, that is able to retain pollutants. The activated carbon filters accumulate pollutants inside its pores, hereby leading to the gradual exhaustion of the adsorbing capacity of the filter bed which must be periodically washed and replaced.
  3. Iron and Manganese removal plants.
    When water contains unacceptable levels of iron and/or manganese, the choice of treatments falls on filters with catalytic oxidation beds.
    Like the sand and activated carbon filters, the iron/manganese removal filters are completely automatic and the periodically require washing to remove the retained material. Unlike sand and carbon filters, they are often combined with a chemical treatment based on oxidising products to increase filtration efficiency.


As a result of changes in temperature and pH, the calcium and magnesium in water can precipitate in the form of salts (mainly carbonates) and generate deposits inside pipes and on the surfaces of the equipment.
Carbonate encrustations (limestone), in addition to reducing the efficiency of heat transmission in heat generators, boilers, etc. and causing greater energy expenditure, reduce the life of the equipment over time.
Softening systems use exchange resins that replace the calcium and magnesium ions (temporary hardness) with sodium ions, thus minimising their precipitation. The resins, initially charged with sodium ions, progressively “bind” the calcium and magnesium ions to their lattice structure, while releasing sodium ions. Once saturated with calcium and magnesium ions, the sodium ion matrix of the resins is automatically regenerated by flushing with a sodium chloride (NaCl) based saline solution.
Softening systems are the ultimate solution against:

  • the inefficiency of the boilers for the production of domestic hot water and heating;
  • fouling of electrical resistances in household appliances resulting in higher electricity consumption and lower efficiency;
  • the deterioration and inefficiency of the pipelines with consequent breakage;
  • the inefficiency of the cooling equipment (evaporative towers, condensers for refrigeration units, etc…


Reverse osmosis is a modern process based on the use of semi-permeable membranes that have the property of letting water pass, without letting the substances it contains in solution through.
In physics, by introducing pure water into two communicating vessels, separated by a semipermeable membrane, the water reaches the same level in the two vessels. By adding a salt in vessel B, the water is pushed by a natural force (osmotic pressure) to pass from the saline solution (B) to the solution with lower salinity (A); this important phenomenon is called OSMOSIS.
To reverse the phenomenon, it is sufficient that the water with a high salt content is pushed through the membrane by a pump that exerts a higher and opposite pressure to the osmotic one.
This principle, called “reverse osmosis”, makes it possible to obtain two outgoing flows at different concentrations from a starting saline water flow: the “permeate”, pure water, poor in dissolved salts and micro pollutants, suitable for use in various sectors (industrial, hydro-drinking, food, etc.) and the “concentrate, rich in salinity, which is generally destined for waste.
Our osmosis systems are designed and built following strict quality regimes and with particular attention to the containment of energy and water consumption. The plants were created to meet the needs in the civil and industrial sectors, guaranteeing high performance in terms of reliability and quality of the permeate produced. The standard machines are supplied pre-assembled in compact form on steel frames with an exclusive design, to minimise pace and simplify maintenance and inspection activities.
The systems are completely automatic and managed by a PLC with a touch-screen HMI interface for the simple display and adjustment of the running parameters, the quality of the permeate and the signalling of any anomalies. The systems can be controlled remotely (PC or Smartphone) and are designed for communication and integration with other existing systems.
The main applications of reverse osmosis (RO) systems are:

  • Food and beverage production
  • Pre-treatment for boilers and cooling towers
  • Pre-treatment for high purity systems (EDI)
  • Biopharmaceutical productions
  • Water jet cutting
  • Humidification and steam production
  • Power generation


To remove moulds, bacteria or colloidal substances that colour water or make it turbid, or to remove substances that cannot be removed through standard filters, specific ultrafiltration systems must be used.
Ultrafiltration (UF) exploits one or more membranes characterised by micro pores that can remove particles of the order of magnitude of 0.005 – 0.1 µm. Ultrafiltration, thanks to its highly efficient filter stages, removes all microbiological species, including viruses, bacteria and any pathogens that resist chlorination.
The substances once retained by the membranes, are removed by periodic washing with air, water and sanitising products. The UF plants are completely automatic and managed by PLC and have a large touch-screen HMI display that allows you to view the status of the machine, the process parameters and the presence of any anomalies.
The main applications of ultrafiltration are:

  • Filtration of water with high turbidity, microbiological impurities and suspended solids.
  • Production of drinking water from surface, spring or well water for aqueducts, private entities, condominiums, hotels, leisure centres, residential areas, industries, etc.
  • Pre-treatment for Reverse Osmosis systems to always guarantee an ideal quality for the protection of membranes (SDI <3).
  • Tertiary filtration in wastewater treatment plants to obtain water of suitable quality for reuse in non-potable uses.


To combat bacteria and their spread in plants, in addition to offering chemical disinfection treatments, we design and build special disinfection systems based on the principle of UV-C radiation.
This is the most effective disinfection method available, which is alternative or complementary to the use of chemicals and is based on the natural inhibiting power of UV radiation for the growth and proliferation of bacteria and viruses.
Exposure to UV-C radiation allows the elimination of up to 99.9% of the concentration of bacteria, viruses and pathogens in water, without developing harmful by-products for humans and the environment.
All UV disinfection systems consist of a stainless-steel reaction chamber and an electric control panel with LCD or touch-screen display, with a visual signalling system for the status of the lamps and an operating counter for scheduled replacement. of the lamps.
The advantages of UV disinfection are:

  • Safe disinfection without the use of chemicals;
  • Great simplicity of application and economy of use;
  • No unwanted by-products.


The filtration processes allow to remove suspended solids and metals from water, to adsorb organic and surfactant components and eliminate chlorine and other substances that are unpleasant to smell and taste. Through filtration systems, possibly combined with specific chemical conditioning processes, we can ensure the best water quality based on the requirements.
We design and manufacture pressure filters for the treatment of primary, process and discharge waters, including:

  1. Sand filtration systems – suitable for the removal of organic and inorganic solids.
    The process consists in the passage of water through a filter bed consisting of layers of quartzite. The material removed from the water remains trapped in the filter bed; this generates a progressive clogging of the filter which is periodically and automatically washed in countercurrent, thanks to the system control unit and the hydropneumatic valves.
  2. Activated carbon filtration systems – suitable for the removal of chlorine, unpleasant smells and tastes and pollutants (chlorinated solvents, pesticides, organic micropollutants and detergents).
    These systems employs the same technology of the sand filtration systems, but they differ in the composition of the filtering bed.
    Activated carbon is a material with high porosity and very high active surface, that is able to retain pollutants. The activated carbon filters accumulate pollutants inside its pores, hereby leading to the gradual exhaustion of the adsorbing capacity of the filter bed which must be periodically washed and replaced.
  3. Iron and Manganese removal plants.
    When water contains unacceptable levels of iron and/or manganese, the choice of treatments falls on filters with catalytic oxidation beds.
    Like the sand and activated carbon filters, the iron/manganese removal filters are completely automatic and the periodically require washing to remove the retained material. Unlike sand and carbon filters, they are often combined with a chemical treatment based on oxidising products to increase filtration efficiency.


A seguito di variazioni di temperatura e pH, nelle acque è frequente la precipitazione di sali (principalmente carbonati) di calcio e magnesio, che generano incrostazioni all’interno di tubazioni e sulle superfici delle apparecchiature.
Le incrostazioni carbonatiche (calcare), oltre a ridurre l’efficienza di trasmissione del calore nei generatori di calore, boiler, ecc, con conseguente maggior dispendio di energia, riducono nel tempo la vita delle apparecchiature.
Gli impianti di addolcimento usano resine scambiatrici in grado di sostituire gli ioni calcio e magnesio presenti nell’acqua (durezza temporanea) con ioni sodio, eliminando così la possibilità di formazione di carbonati facilmente precipitabili. Le resine, in partenza cariche di ioni sodio, “legano” progressivamente al proprio reticolo gli ioni calcio e magnesio presenti nell’acqua da trattare, cedendo gli ioni sodio fissati inizialmente sulla matrice. Una volta sature di ioni calcio e magnesio, le resine vengono rigenerate automaticamente mediante un flussaggio temporizzato con una soluzione salina a base di cloruro di sodio (NaCl) che ricarica la matrice delle resine di ioni sodio.
Gli impianti di addolcimento risultano il rimedio definitivo contro:

  • l’inefficienza delle caldaie per la produzione di acqua calda sanitaria e riscaldamento;
  • l’incrostazione di resistenze elettriche negli elettrodomestici con conseguente maggior consumo di energia elettrica e minor rendimento;
  • il deterioramento e l’inefficienza delle condutture con conseguente rottura delle stesse;
  • l’inefficienza degli apparati per il raffreddamento (torri evaporative, condensatori per gruppi frigoriferi, ecc…

As a result of changes in temperature and pH, the calcium and magnesium in water can precipitate in the form of salts (mainly carbonates) and generate deposits inside pipes and on the surfaces of the equipment.
Carbonate encrustations (limestone), in addition to reducing the efficiency of heat transmission in heat generators, boilers, etc. and causing greater energy expenditure, reduce the life of the equipment over time.
Softening systems use exchange resins that replace the calcium and magnesium ions (temporary hardness) with sodium ions, thus minimising their precipitation. The resins, initially charged with sodium ions, progressively “bind” the calcium and magnesium ions to their lattice structure, while releasing sodium ions. Once saturated with calcium and magnesium ions, the sodium ion matrix of the resins is automatically regenerated by flushing with a sodium chloride (NaCl) based saline solution.
Softening systems are the ultimate solution against:

  • the inefficiency of the boilers for the production of domestic hot water and heating;
  • fouling of electrical resistances in household appliances resulting in higher electricity consumption and lower efficiency;
  • the deterioration and inefficiency of the pipelines with consequent breakage;
  • the inefficiency of the cooling equipment (evaporative towers, condensers for refrigeration units, etc…


Reverse osmosis is a modern process based on the use of semi-permeable membranes that have the property of letting water pass, without letting the substances it contains in solution through.
In physics, by introducing pure water into two communicating vessels, separated by a semipermeable membrane, the water reaches the same level in the two vessels. By adding a salt in vessel B, the water is pushed by a natural force (osmotic pressure) to pass from the saline solution (B) to the solution with lower salinity (A); this important phenomenon is called OSMOSIS.
To reverse the phenomenon, it is sufficient that the water with a high salt content is pushed through the membrane by a pump that exerts a higher and opposite pressure to the osmotic one.
This principle, called “reverse osmosis”, makes it possible to obtain two outgoing flows at different concentrations from a starting saline water flow: the “permeate”, pure water, poor in dissolved salts and micro pollutants, suitable for use in various sectors (industrial, hydro-drinking, food, etc.) and the “concentrate, rich in salinity, which is generally destined for waste.
Our osmosis systems are designed and built following strict quality regimes and with particular attention to the containment of energy and water consumption. The plants were created to meet the needs in the civil and industrial sectors, guaranteeing high performance in terms of reliability and quality of the permeate produced. The standard machines are supplied pre-assembled in compact form on steel frames with an exclusive design, to minimise pace and simplify maintenance and inspection activities.
The systems are completely automatic and managed by a PLC with a touch-screen HMI interface for the simple display and adjustment of the running parameters, the quality of the permeate and the signalling of any anomalies. The systems can be controlled remotely (PC or Smartphone) and are designed for communication and integration with other existing systems.
The main applications of reverse osmosis (RO) systems are:

  • Food and beverage production
  • Pre-treatment for boilers and cooling towers
  • Pre-treatment for high purity systems (EDI)
  • Biopharmaceutical productions
  • Water jet cutting
  • Humidification and steam production
  • Power generation


To remove moulds, bacteria or colloidal substances that colour water or make it turbid, or to remove substances that cannot be removed through standard filters, specific ultrafiltration systems must be used.
Ultrafiltration (UF) exploits one or more membranes characterised by micro pores that can remove particles of the order of magnitude of 0.005 – 0.1 µm. Ultrafiltration, thanks to its highly efficient filter stages, removes all microbiological species, including viruses, bacteria and any pathogens that resist chlorination.
The substances once retained by the membranes, are removed by periodic washing with air, water and sanitising products. The UF plants are completely automatic and managed by PLC and have a large touch-screen HMI display that allows you to view the status of the machine, the process parameters and the presence of any anomalies.
The main applications of ultrafiltration are:

  • Filtration of water with high turbidity, microbiological impurities and suspended solids.
  • Production of drinking water from surface, spring or well water for aqueducts, private entities, condominiums, hotels, leisure centres, residential areas, industries, etc.
  • Pre-treatment for Reverse Osmosis systems to always guarantee an ideal quality for the protection of membranes (SDI <3).
  • Tertiary filtration in wastewater treatment plants to obtain water of suitable quality for reuse in non-potable uses.


To combat bacteria and their spread in plants, in addition to offering chemical disinfection treatments, we design and build special disinfection systems based on the principle of UV-C radiation.
This is the most effective disinfection method available, which is alternative or complementary to the use of chemicals and is based on the natural inhibiting power of UV radiation for the growth and proliferation of bacteria and viruses.
Exposure to UV-C radiation allows the elimination of up to 99.9% of the concentration of bacteria, viruses and pathogens in water, without developing harmful by-products for humans and the environment.
All UV disinfection systems consist of a stainless-steel reaction chamber and an electric control panel with LCD or touch-screen display, with a visual signalling system for the status of the lamps and an operating counter for scheduled replacement. of the lamps.
The advantages of UV disinfection are:

  • Safe disinfection without the use of chemicals;
  • Great simplicity of application and economy of use;
  • No unwanted by-products.

Our commitment is to ensure optimal water treatment based on the specific needs, regular and economical operation of the systems and the lowest economic impact on our customers.

All systems are optimised and supervised over time by our specialized technicians located throughout the Italian territory.

You can trust us. We have been working for you since 1983.